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Database setup for Oracle 11g R2

Database creation

The Project Portal database must be created from the database template supplied with Project Portal (in the mpp2012dbsetup package). To start the setup of a Project Portal database, perform the following tasks:

The following settings are mandatory for the newly created database. BlueCielo ECM Solutions must confirm possible changes to these settings:

For security reasons, the Oracle Listener should be configured to bind to the localhost ( interface when Project Portal and Oracle are running on the same server. When Project Portal and Oracle are on different servers, we recommend blocking traffic to the Oracle server from sources other than the Project Portal server.

For detailed information about Oracle database setup, see Oracle database configuration.

We recommend that a plustrace role be created to grant access to Oracle Dynamic Performance Tables. This helps in tuning the database and recognizing possible bottlenecks in query performance. To create the role, run the following command while the database is running:

sqlplus / as sysdba < $ORACLE_HOME/sqlplus/admin/plustrce.sql

Setting up database schema for Project Portal

Once the database has been created, the Project Portal user account needs to be created with specific access rights. The script kronouser.sql creates the user kronodoc with the password kronodoc. These may be changed by editing the kronouser.sql script as follows.

sqlplus / as sysdba < <Path to kronodbsetup/kronorole.sql>
sqlplus / as sysdba < <Path to kronodbsetup/kronouser.sql>

For detailed information about Oracle database user setup, see Oracle database configuration.

Post-installation tuning

Certain database parameters such as memory allocation parameters should be tuned after the system has been running in production for 1 to 2 weeks. You can use the Oracle Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor (ADDM) to get advice on tuning these parameters. Use of these tools requires appropriate licenses that can be purchased to supplement Oracle Enterprise Edition. ADDM is not licensed with Oracle Standard edition.